Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I couldn't have been more excited to decorate for Christmas this year. Nate told me 2 weeks before Thanksgiving that I had to wait until at least the day before Thanksgiving to put up Christmas stuff. Due to the unplanned funeral for my Nana, we didn't get our tree until yesterday. We finally decorated it today. I love Christmas and the feeling it brings to our home. This is the first Christmas tree we have had since being married. My mom bought us all of our tree decorations and I was so excited to see how everything would turn out. While I was at it I decided to put up some pictures of our apartment. They're not very good pictures and you can't really tell how it looks in real life, but it gives you a good idea...

Front Room- The furniture has been moved a little due to the Christmas tree location...

Front Room

Our little stockings

Blurry Tree :(
Me being proud of our tree! :)


Laurie Marsh said...

Cute house and CUTE belly you guys. Love you!

Allie Walker said...

LOOK HOW CUTE YOUR HOUSE IS!!! I love it! I love your christmas tree. And mostly I love you.