Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am SOOOO Team Edward!!

So my nursing friends and I decided we needed a night off. We all got into the Twilight series, (even when we should have been studying) so we decided it would be a blast to go to the midnight showing of Twilight the movie! It was so much fun! Even though I have been so tired the rest of the weekend because of it, it was so worth it!! Thanks girls for an amazing night!

The theater we went to hired models to pose as the characters for pictures.
My Girls! Emily, Cynthia, Rachael, and Heather- on top me and sus
Me and sus


Kati said...

Those models are kind of creepy looking. Glad you had fun with your nursing school peeps.

Susan Williams said...

now everyone is going to think that I am a nursing school friend. ugh. they are going to think that i am accomplishing something in my life! thanks alot. now i have lots to live up to.

Aly said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Sorry I missed it. Okay, not really, but next time choose something worthwhile to do and I'll be there for sure. :)